Bob graduated from Yuba City, CA High School in 1963 and joined the Navy in 1964. He became an Aircrew Radio Operator / Instructor in 1966, so he should have gotten his Ham License back then. He was in the Navy from 1964-1973. He became a Deputy Sheriff in 1973-1981 and transferred to Santa Clara City Police in 1981-1996. He retired and moved to Idaho in 1996 and ended up in Donnelly. He got his FCC Licence in 2016 as a Technician. Then, in 2018, he got his General Licence and vanity call sign of W7BOB.
Should have gotten my Ham License back in 1966 when I was a NAVY Radio Flightcrew OperatorBob’s Shack and TowersBob working 2020 and 2021 Field DayNew Shack with FTdx-101MP